Je m'appelle Juan Diego Camargo Eslava. Yai 10 ans.
J'étudie a l'école C.B.I. et jesuis en sixiéme année.
Ma mere se appelle Nancy; Mon pere se appelle Pedro; Ma soeur se appelle Camila.
J'aime jouer au football.
Je m'appelle Valentina Gomez Camargo. Yai 11 ans.
J'étudie a l'école C.B.I. et jesuis en sixiéme année.
Ma mere se appelle Maritza; Mon pere se appelle Bryan; Ma grand-mère se appelle Martha.
J'aime jouer sur l'ordinateur.
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012
martes, 12 de junio de 2012
The Muisca lived between the highlands and valleys of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, mainly between the solid and the snow of Sumapaz Cocuy along rivers Bogotá, Suárez and Chicamocha. The most populated area was savanna cundiboyacense, including Bogota, Nemocon Ubaté, Chiquinquirá, Tunja and Sogamoso. The conditions of land suitable for agriculture and healthy climate made them sedentary. It was the Chibcha language group more important in the Colombian Andes, which occupied the area about 1000. C.
The rate of the indigenous Muisca still preserved and can be described as follows: medium height, robust and straight black hair, short broad nose, small eyes, mouth and big teeth, high cheekbones. They were intelligent, courageous and sustained.
Muisca Indians were very laborious. Its main activities were: agriculture, mining, fishing, hunting, textiles, ceramics, pottery and trade.
- Agriculture:
His main work was the cultivation of plants used in food, like corn, with which preparing arepas, buns and alcoholic beverages such as chicha, the pope who was the major crop, but also planted the parsnips, quinoa, cubios, ibias, chuguas, beans and pumpkins, they used pepper as a condiment. Cultivated fruits like guava, tomatoes, cape gooseberries and curubas.
- Mining:
The Muisca were distinguished among the other tribes for their ability to exploit the salt mines, coal and emeralds. Salt extracted Zipaquirá Nemocon Sesquilé and Upía.They obtained the emerald mines of Muzo and Somondoco. Coal used as fuel in the preparation of salt and other trades.
- Fishing and Hunting:
They fished in the lakes, hunted deer, armadillos and tapirs, domesticated rabbits and turkeys.
- The Manufacturing Industry:
He was also highly developed. They wove blankets worn as a dress. These were very fine and varied colors.
- Gold and Ceramic:
Among the highlights were tunjos Muisca gold, pieces with defined characteristics: small human figures on a piece, made of thin, triangular plate-shaped.
- Trade:
Stood by his skill as a merchants; practiced commercial exchange between the cold lands of the plains They gathered for their markets in Funza, Tocancipá and Turmequé. One of the main products Muiscas exchanged through the barter system was salt, which they received in exchange for gold, then worked his way to re-exchange.
So were emeralds, amethysts and topaz gemstones traded for salt and then returned to their former owners, but this time polished and carved.A similar case happened with cotton, lacking product. I got through the exchange of commodities and he elaborated ponchos or poncho, weaving and decorated with colorful style and particular. Thus able to develop a textile industry.
The dress was a tunic and a blanket tied at the ends in the shoulder, made of thick cotton cloth, decorated with colored stripes. Not used footwear. They painted their bodies with achiote, also used colorful head feathers of birds also wore bracelets, necklaces, nose rings and pectoral beautifully made of gold.
Social Organization:
The base of the Muisca was the family organization. Marriages were made usually between people of the same tribe, the chiefs had the privilege of having several wives. The society was divided into several classes or usaques Nobles, priests and sheikhs, Quechua or warriors, merchants and people, which included farmers, miners and artisans.Priests or sheikhs were both doctors and sorcerers to reach this position, the Indian had to study for many years.
Political Organization:
The Muisca were organized into three chiefdoms and confederations: The Bacatá (Bogota), the Hunza (Tunja) and the Tundaza (Duitama). There were also other smaller chiefdoms such as Sáchica. Each group of these had its independent government, territorial jurisdiction over a number of villages who paid tribute. The main leader or chief was obeyed.
The most important was the sovereign or lord of Bacatá Zipa, who lived in Funza was revered by his subjects, he had great wealth, jewels and enjoyed recreational houses.
Socially and economically, between Muiscas existed six classes or estates, as follows:
1. The priests and sheikhs.
2. The noble warrior or guechas.
3. The criers or officials who did know the will of the chief.
4. Traders, craftsmen and farmers, who were governed by a rigid legal system.
5. The miners, especially those working in the mines of salt and emeralds.
6. Slaves generally were prisoners of war and times were used for religious sacrifices.
The elders were highly respected were part of a council to assist the chiefs in government. The laws of the Chibcha were very wise. Rigorously punished those who stole, lied or killed. His chief legislator was Zipa Nemequeme.
The sciences were represented by astronomy, meteorology and the making of a calendar that was the basis for agriculture since the crops directly dependent on the behavior of the sun (UEZ) and Moon (Chia). They divided the solar year into four periods, separated by periods of winter and summer, which in turn were subdivided according to the lunar changes.
Muisca priests were the sheiks and these, to do their job, are recruited for some time in a "seminar". Fasted and devoted his life to religion.
The Muisca, unlike other pre-Columbian groups represented in different animals to their principal deities and placed man at the center of nature.He represented the strength, power, wisdom and prudence, woman, life, fertility and the organization. They were farmers and consumers of coca, and yopo snuff. Such consumption had religious connotations.Celebrating their festivals with great solemnity. The processions were well attended. The most famous shrines were gaps Guatavita Siecha, Ubaque and Fúquene. In Sogamoso was the temple of the Sun.
The Indians usually worshiped as the dead and believed in the immortality of the soul were buried with food, jewelery, clothes, etc...
Religious rites celebrated mainly in the lagoons. They regularly attended the pilgrimage to bring their offerings to the Sun and the Moon also had shrines as the cushions of the devil in Tunja. The ceremonial center was located zipa in the town of Chia (current municipality of Cundinamarca), where a temple dedicated to Goddess Moon. Sun worship is held in the ceremonial center of the population zaque Sogamoso (current municipality of Boyaca), and the Guatavita took place the famous gold coat of this State zaque Muisca, which gave way the famous legend of El Dorado. In Guatavita, the chief of the region, to worship the gods covered his body with gold dust and bathed in it, the Indians completed the ceremony, throwing its emerald waters and golden figures.
Religion was also very cruel practice, the Sun was offered as sacrifices of children and youths who ate carefully. In Gacheta each week a boy was sacrificed on a stone as an offering to idols.
In the lagoon Siecha found a gold object shaped raft with ten human figures. This image released the ceremony. They celebrated rites originated the legend of El Dorado, which both attracted to the conquistadores.
They used a system based on the fingers and toes to count, to get to twenty, started another score, the span and foot length measurements were his.
So were emeralds, amethysts and topaz gemstones traded for salt and then returned to their former owners, but this time polished and carved.A similar case happened with cotton, lacking product. I got through the exchange of commodities and he elaborated ponchos or poncho, weaving and decorated with colorful style and particular. Thus able to develop a textile industry.
The dress was a tunic and a blanket tied at the ends in the shoulder, made of thick cotton cloth, decorated with colored stripes. Not used footwear. They painted their bodies with achiote, also used colorful head feathers of birds also wore bracelets, necklaces, nose rings and pectoral beautifully made of gold.
Social Organization:
The base of the Muisca was the family organization. Marriages were made usually between people of the same tribe, the chiefs had the privilege of having several wives. The society was divided into several classes or usaques Nobles, priests and sheikhs, Quechua or warriors, merchants and people, which included farmers, miners and artisans.Priests or sheikhs were both doctors and sorcerers to reach this position, the Indian had to study for many years.
Political Organization:
The Muisca were organized into three chiefdoms and confederations: The Bacatá (Bogota), the Hunza (Tunja) and the Tundaza (Duitama). There were also other smaller chiefdoms such as Sáchica. Each group of these had its independent government, territorial jurisdiction over a number of villages who paid tribute. The main leader or chief was obeyed.
The most important was the sovereign or lord of Bacatá Zipa, who lived in Funza was revered by his subjects, he had great wealth, jewels and enjoyed recreational houses.
Socially and economically, between Muiscas existed six classes or estates, as follows:
1. The priests and sheikhs.
2. The noble warrior or guechas.
3. The criers or officials who did know the will of the chief.
4. Traders, craftsmen and farmers, who were governed by a rigid legal system.
5. The miners, especially those working in the mines of salt and emeralds.
6. Slaves generally were prisoners of war and times were used for religious sacrifices.
The elders were highly respected were part of a council to assist the chiefs in government. The laws of the Chibcha were very wise. Rigorously punished those who stole, lied or killed. His chief legislator was Zipa Nemequeme.
The sciences were represented by astronomy, meteorology and the making of a calendar that was the basis for agriculture since the crops directly dependent on the behavior of the sun (UEZ) and Moon (Chia). They divided the solar year into four periods, separated by periods of winter and summer, which in turn were subdivided according to the lunar changes.
Muisca priests were the sheiks and these, to do their job, are recruited for some time in a "seminar". Fasted and devoted his life to religion.
The Muisca, unlike other pre-Columbian groups represented in different animals to their principal deities and placed man at the center of nature.He represented the strength, power, wisdom and prudence, woman, life, fertility and the organization. They were farmers and consumers of coca, and yopo snuff. Such consumption had religious connotations.Celebrating their festivals with great solemnity. The processions were well attended. The most famous shrines were gaps Guatavita Siecha, Ubaque and Fúquene. In Sogamoso was the temple of the Sun.
The Indians usually worshiped as the dead and believed in the immortality of the soul were buried with food, jewelery, clothes, etc...
Religious rites celebrated mainly in the lagoons. They regularly attended the pilgrimage to bring their offerings to the Sun and the Moon also had shrines as the cushions of the devil in Tunja. The ceremonial center was located zipa in the town of Chia (current municipality of Cundinamarca), where a temple dedicated to Goddess Moon. Sun worship is held in the ceremonial center of the population zaque Sogamoso (current municipality of Boyaca), and the Guatavita took place the famous gold coat of this State zaque Muisca, which gave way the famous legend of El Dorado. In Guatavita, the chief of the region, to worship the gods covered his body with gold dust and bathed in it, the Indians completed the ceremony, throwing its emerald waters and golden figures.
Religion was also very cruel practice, the Sun was offered as sacrifices of children and youths who ate carefully. In Gacheta each week a boy was sacrificed on a stone as an offering to idols.
In the lagoon Siecha found a gold object shaped raft with ten human figures. This image released the ceremony. They celebrated rites originated the legend of El Dorado, which both attracted to the conquistadores.
They used a system based on the fingers and toes to count, to get to twenty, started another score, the span and foot length measurements were his.
It covers the state of Apure in Venezuela, Arauca and Casanare in Colombia. Cunaviche north Capanaparo Riecito in the center, Cinacuro, Arm Cinacuro in the south, middle reaches of the river and Cinacuro Capanaparo; are approximately 3,859 people.
In Colombia there were only a few isolated families as farmers, the rest migrated to Venezuela because of pressure from Colombian farmers and colonization which sparked a series of mid-century persecutions. The warranties provided by the Venezuelan government, encouraged them to take refuge there.They inhabit the Llanos del Orinoco where rainfall is abundant for five months (May to September), the soils are sandy, clayey and flooded savanna is interrupted by dunes, clumps of forest and gallery forest.
The Yaruros are straight brown hair, short broad nose, large mouth and small eyes. Are mixed.
Agricultural activity takes place in conucos and seeded bitter cassava and corn primarily. Fish in the rivers, hunt and gather in the gallery forests and to a lesser extent, in the savannah. In recent decades, have been forced Pume to share their ancestral lands with the Creole population because, over time, their lands have been reduced and have had to compete with the natives for the same resources. Most Yaruros still retains its rich cultural traditions.
Economic Aspect:
The Indians were Yaruros almost since the arrival of the conquistadors had intercourse with the settlers, one of the most common is to work as laborers on cattle ranches.
- Horticulture: The basic activity of livelihoods, cultivate their gardens Pume in river valleys and conucos in the gallery forests.
- Agriculture: the slash and burn, is incipient practice natural fruit collection.
- Hunting and fishing: are additional activities that complement the diet. It uses the same word aetei and foods derived from both activities are called bararea. These activities are not common due to increasing livestock.
Fishing:It is a summer activity, the fish meat is considered an inferior food because it decomposes very rapidly causing health problems. For this activity are careful not to use the same pipe to prevent the death of the animals in place. In the lakes and streams, after searching a site barbasquea to collect fish. In this activity you use the spear, bow, arrow, and traps or pens that put in the pipes.
Hunting: is done respecting the juveniles. It employs the tactics of camouflage for hunting deer, herons, overcoats, waiters, for example, to hunt a deer put a hat on a piece of wood in imitation of the head and neck Jabiru and neck are painted white to hunting coats, herons and egrets are put feathers on the shoulders.
Collections: is practiced in the dry season. Those who have more contact with the settlers do not. The fruits, grains and roots the women gather and collect honey and resins the men.To remove roots coa is used, is collected moriche, macanilla, chiga to extract flour or making beverages. During the summer season are collected turtle eggs, iguana and slime.
Social Organization:
Given the relationship between parallel and cross cousins. The children of same-sex siblings are distinguished from the children of siblings of opposite sex. The mother with the same term refers to his sons and nephews, sons of his sister, brother and children are targeted differently, the man appointed to the sons and nephews, sons of brother, as his children, the children of his sister. The marriage occurs with bilateral cross-cousins, between ego and the daughter of a parallel cousin. Matrilineal cross-cousin or patrilineal. The marriage takes place within a community among young newcomers to the same generation. The boy with the consent of the girl's father asks permission for women to live with it.
Political Organization:
Villages are starting on the north side, the last house of the Shaman is a large patio for ceremonies, the village is built on the banks of the streams or ponds, homes are together, they are independent social and ceremonial units.The group consists of large nuclear families. The captain is responsible for maintaining order in the community.The shaman, or musician is responsible for healing and has a political and ideological power based on their beliefs and magic-religious power.
The disease can travel twice the spirit of man or Pumetho to the divine sphere, is the fundamental principle of shamanic initiation. The Shaman has shamanic vocation "Hamborere merekode" (I've been sick).The terms for the illness and death have the same root (bass).You must have been sick to heal others when sick the spirit leaves the body and all that can be traced to the divine is who has been sick because he knows the way to return the soul to the body.
The difference between the patient and the Shaman, is that he can rid the body at will and in their separation is involuntary patient. In the course of the disease occur revelations through dreams.All who have been ill are oriented towards shamanism. The village life revolves around the traditional therapist and recognizes that are best suited to resolve serious health problems.
The Yaruros have shamans (who call him a musician) male and female, who are responsible for curing diseases singing and dancing.
The Tohe: It is a song or ceremony is done at the request of one or more members of the community who have a sick relative or on the initiative of the shaman. The ceremony is performed in an open space facing the East.
"Despite the adversity, despite the neglect, in spite of our leaders and the indifference of all, in Colombia survive 90 indigenous peoples scattered across the country, who cling to their culture are fighting an uphill battle that aims absorb them into mainstream society. "LOCATION:The Wayuu inhabit the arid Guajira Peninsula in northern Colombia and northwestern Venezuela, the Caribbean Sea. It is a region with a warm, dry and inhospitable, washed by the rivers Rancheria (Colombia) and El Limon (Venezuela).
GENOTYPIC CHARACTERISTICS:Wayuu Indians, have characteristic physical traits as broad nose, eyes black; and straight black hair, medium height, are robust and corpulent. And they are mestizos.CULTURE AND TRADITIONS:EconomicsAgriculture:Agriculture is practiced on a small scale, but is less important that grazing is the economic base is shifting grazing.Hunting and Fishing: They do it on a smaller scale, but there Wayuu fishermen.Crafts: The most developed industry is textiles, followed by ceramics. The women are expert weavers and have retained the beautiful traditional designs in hammocks in the blankets, which are the costumes worn by women and the susu, which are woven handbags, and have also developed many useful objects with colored tissue very showy.
Dress:Adult women using traditional blanket. However young you used Western clothing cor. For men, adults and youth, there is tradicionalsíirap has disappeared, giving way to utilizaciónde blue jeans, shorts and shirts.Social Organization:Wayuu society has a complex structure, is of a matrilineal clan, taking about 30 clans. Each with its own territory and its own totem animal. There are still traditional authorities, and there is a specific form of administering justice, the figures of the putchipu who are the bearers of the word and also to help resolve conflicts between the clans. Within the extended family, the ultimate authority rests with the maternal uncle, who is speaking on all domestic and family problems.Within the nuclear family, the children are led virtually the mother's brother and not by their own biological father. She plays a very important one can say that is the host and organizer of the clan and are very active politically in their society, are also very active and independent Political Organization:In each settlement there is an older man in authority, manages and directs collective goods daily tasks. Likewise, at the lineage, there is a man who represents and leads. In the legal system of the Wayuu, when an offense against a person is the family who is offended. When this occurs, the affected resort to "babbler"-pütchipü-, mediator and expert on domestic laws, to try to find a fair agreement between the parties.
Religion:For the Wayuu are a variety of mythological characters, such as: Juya, generally living in the celestial heights beyond the sun, he is the warrior and father. It represents for the Wayuu masculinity.For the Wayuu dreams are as important as the laws of survival, they give the connotation of revelations from beyond, regularly awarded to spirits of the dead who are always looking out for them.Retain a high degree of religiosity and this enables them to connect their present with the past of their ancestors, thus linking an ongoing activity, thanks to the disappearance earth held together by spiritual ties of affection and consideration, if you enjoy it, or of evil and disregard, if their lives were disordered and outside the norms of their communities.
Rites:The different daily activities, festivals and rituals involve expanded use of traditional music. The pastoral work are accompanied by music produced by canutillas flutes, whistles made from environmental elements like dry lime are used in farming activities. The indigenous music yocna Chichamaya or is used in celebrations related to the development of women and involves challenging dances where this man. The main instruments used are flutes, whistles and drums.
The Wayuu Indians go to school where they learn addition, subtraction and other basic mathematical operations. When you have completed a basic training in all areas are withdrawn from school.
domingo, 10 de junio de 2012
"A pesar de las adversidades, a pesar del olvido, a pesar de nuestros gobernantes y de la indiferencia de todos, en Colombia perviven 90 pueblos indígenas diseminados a lo largo del territorio nacional, que aferrados a su cultura están librando una dura batalla que pretende absorberlos en la sociedad mayoritaria."
El pueblo Wayúu habita la árida península de la
Guajira al norte de Colombia y noroeste de Venezuela, sobre el mar Caribe. Es
una región con un clima cálido, seco e inhóspito, bañada por los ríos Ranchería
(Colombia) y El Limón (Venezuela).
Los Indígenas Wayúu, tienes rasgos físicos característicos como: Nariz ancha, ojos color negro; cabello negro y lacio; estatura mediana; son robustos y corpulentos. Y son mestizos.
Aspectos Económicos:
- Agricultura: La agricultura se practica a pequeña escala, pero tiene menos importancia que el pastoreo que es la base económica; se trata de un pastoreo itinerante.
- Caza y Pesca: Lo hacen en menos escala, pero también existen wayuu pescadores.
- Artesanía: La industria más desarrollada es la textil, seguida por la cerámica. Las mujeres son expertas tejedoras y han conservado los bellos diseños tradicionales en las hamacas, en las mantas, que son los trajes que usan las mujeres y en los susu, que son las carteras tejidas, así han desarrollado también numerosos objetos de utilidad tejidos con colores muy vistosos.

Las mujeres adultas utilizan la manta tradicional. Sin embargo las jóvenes utilizan ropa de cor te occidental. En el caso de los hombres, tanto adultos como jóvenes, se observa que ha desaparecido el tradicionalsíirap, dando paso a la utilizaciónde blue jeans, bermudas y camisas.
Organización Social:
La sociedad wayuu presenta una estructura compleja, es de carácter matrilineal y clánica, teniendo unos 30 clanes. Cada uno con su propio territorio y su propio animal totémico. Existen todavía las autoridades tradicionales, y existe una forma específica de administrar justicia, las figuras de los putchipu que son los portadores de la palabra y también los que ayudan a resolver conflictos entre los clanes. Dentro de la familia extendida, la autoridad máxima le corresponde al tío materno, que es quien interviene en todos los problemas familiares y domésticos. Dentro de la familia nuclear, los hijos son dirigidos prácticamente por el hermano de la madre y no por el propio padre biológico. La mujer tiene un papel muy importante se puede decir que es la conductora y organizadora del clan y políticamente son muy activas en su sociedad, son también muy activas e independientes.
Organización Política:
En cada asentamiento hay un hombre mayor que ejerce la autoridad, administra los bienes colectivos y dirige las labores cotidianas. Así mismo, a nivel del linaje, existe un hombre que lo representa y dirige. En el ordenamiento jurídico de los wayuu, cuando se produce un agravio contra una persona es la familia a quien se ofende. Cuando esto ocurre, los afectados recurren al “palabrero“ -pütchipü-, mediador y conocedor de las leyes internas, para que intente buscar un acuerdo equitativo entre las partes.
Para los Wayúu existen gran variedad de personajes mitológicos, como lo son: Juya, que vive generalmente en las alturas celestiales más allá del sol; él es el guerrero y progenitor. Representa para los Wayúu la masculinidad.
Conservan un alto grado de religiosidad y ello les permite enlazar su presente con el pasado de sus ancestros, vinculándose así a una actividad permanente, gracias a la desaparición terrena se mantienen unidos por los lazos espirituales de afecto y consideración, si gozarán de ésta, o de maldad y desconsideración, si sus vidas fueron desordenadas y fuera de las normas de sus comunidades.
Las diferentes actividades cotidianas, las festividades y los rituales implican ampliamente el uso de la música tradicional. Las labores de pastoreo se acompañan con música producida por flautas o canutillas, los pitos hechos de elementos del medio como el limón seco se usan en actividades de ganadería. La música autóctona Chichamaya o yocna,se usa en las celebraciones relacionadas con el desarrollo de la mujer e implica danzas en donde esta desafía al hombre. Los instrumentos principales que se usan son flautas, pitos y tambores.
Los indígenas Wayúu asisten a la escuela, donde aprenden a sumar, restar y demás operaciones matemáticas básicas. Cuando han obtenido un aprendizaje básico en todas las áreas se retiran de la escuela.
YARUROS: En Vía de Extinción
En Vía de Extinción
interculturalidad, generada por las presiones ejercidas por los colonos y el
empleo de mano de obra en las haciendas ganaderas, ha convertido poco a poco a
los Yaruro en campesinos pobres que adquieren de la sociedad de consumo los
medios para estar bien y no sentirse rechazados por el colono; el mercado les
ofrece artículos de lujo para las mujeres, como aretes, pantalones, vestidos,
relojes, zapatos, pinturas para la cara y labios, además artículos de consumo alimenticios
que no contienen las proteínas necesarias como arroz, pastas, galletas, café,
etc., causan cambios alimentarios que van produciendo desnutrición y
La introducción de la sociedad de consumo influye en los patrones ideológicos de estos grupos que cambian su cosmovisión por el pensamiento etéreo de la cultura dominante que los induce a la descomposición social, alcoholismo, prostitución, deshonestidad, egoísmo y rechazo de los valores culturales propios por considerarlos inferiores.
La introducción de la sociedad de consumo influye en los patrones ideológicos de estos grupos que cambian su cosmovisión por el pensamiento etéreo de la cultura dominante que los induce a la descomposición social, alcoholismo, prostitución, deshonestidad, egoísmo y rechazo de los valores culturales propios por considerarlos inferiores.
Abarca el estado de Apure en Venezuela, Arauca y Casanare en
Colombia. Cunaviche al norte, Capanaparo, Riecito en el centro, Cinacuro, Brazo
Cinacuro en el sur, curso medio del río Capanaparo y Cinacuro; son
aproximadamente 3.859 personas.
En Colombia sólo quedaron algunas pocas familias aisladas como campesinos, el resto migró a Venezuela a causa de la presión ejercida por los ganaderos colombianos y la colonización que desató toda una serie de persecuciones a mediados de siglo. Las garantías proporcionadas por el gobierno venezolano, los animó a refugiarse allí.
Habitan los Llanos del Orinoco donde las lluvias son abundantes durante cinco meses (mayo a septiembre), los suelos son arenosos, arcillosos e inundables, la sabana es interrumpida por dunas, matas de monte y bosque de galería.
Los Yaruros son de pelo castaño y lacio; Nariz ancha y
corta; boca grande y ojos pequeños. Son mestizos.
La actividad
agrícola se desarrolla en conucos y se siembran principalmente yuca amarga y
maíz. Pescan en los ríos, cazan y recolectan en los bosques de galería y, en
menor grado, en la sabana. En las últimas décadas, los pumé se han visto
obligados a compartir su territorio ancestral con la población criolla debido a
que, con el paso del tiempo, sus tierras han sido reducidas y han tenido que
competir con los criollos por los mismos recursos. La mayoría de los Yaruros
aún conserva sus ricas tradiciones culturales.
Aspecto Económico:
Los Yaruros
fueron indígenas que casi desde la llegada de los conquistadores mantuvieron
relaciones con los colonos; una de las actividades más comunes es la de
trabajar como peones en los hatos ganaderos.
- · Horticultura: Es la actividad básica de subsistencia, los Pume cultivan sus huertas en las vegas de los ríos y conucos en los bosques de galería.
- · Agricultura: la tala y quema, es incipiente; practican la recolección de frutos naturales.
- · Caza y pesca: Son actividades adicionales que permiten complementar la dieta alimentaria. Se emplea la misma palabra aetei y a los alimentos obtenidos de ambas actividades se les denomina bararea. Estas actividades no son frecuentes debido al incremento de la ganadería.
La pesca
Es una actividad de verano, la carne de pescado es considerada un alimento inferior porque se descompone muy rápido causando trastornos de salud. Para esa actividad se cuidan de no utilizar siempre el mismo caño para evitar la muerte de los animales del lugar. En las lagunas y caños, después de buscar un sitio se barbasquea para recoger el pescado. En esta actividad utilizan el arpón, el arco, la flecha y trampas o cercados que ponen en los caños.
La cacería se hace respetando los ejemplares jóvenes. Se emplea la táctica del camuflaje para la caza de venados, garzas, gabanes, garzones; por ejemplo, para cazar un venado ponen un gorro en un trozo de madera imitando la cabeza y el cuello del garzón soldado y se pintan el cuello blanco; para cazar gabanes, garzones y garzas se ponen plumas en los hombros.
La cacería se hace respetando los ejemplares jóvenes. Se emplea la táctica del camuflaje para la caza de venados, garzas, gabanes, garzones; por ejemplo, para cazar un venado ponen un gorro en un trozo de madera imitando la cabeza y el cuello del garzón soldado y se pintan el cuello blanco; para cazar gabanes, garzones y garzas se ponen plumas en los hombros.
- · Recolección
Para extraer raíces se emplea la coa, se recolecta moriche, macanilla, chiga para extraer harina o hacer bebidas. Durante la época de verano se recolectan los huevos de tortuga, iguana y baba.
Organización Social:
Se dan las
relaciones entre primos paralelos y cruzados. Los hijos de los hermanos del
mismo sexo se distinguen de los hijos de los hermanos de sexo opuesto. La madre
designa con el mismo término a sus hijos y sobrinas, hijos de su hermana, y a
los hijos del hermano los designa de una forma diferente; el hombre designa a
los hijos y los sobrinos, hijos de hermano, como sus hijos, de los hijos de su
hermana. El matrimonio se da con primos cruzados bilaterales, entre ego y la
hija de un primo paralelo. Entre primos cruzados matrilineales o patrilineales.
El matrimonio se lleva a cabo en el seno de una comunidad entre jóvenes recién
iniciados de la misma generación. El joven con el consentimiento de la joven
pide permiso al padre de la mujer para vivir con ella.
poblados empezando por el lado norte, la última casa es la del Chamán con un
patio amplio para ceremonias, el poblado es construido a orillas de los caños o
las lagunas, las casas están juntas; son unidades sociales y ceremoniales
El grupo está formado por familias nucleares amplias. El capitán, es el encargado de mantener el orden en la comunidad.
El Chamán, o Músico es el encargado de la curación y tiene un poder político e ideológico basado en sus creencias y poder mágico-religioso.
El grupo está formado por familias nucleares amplias. El capitán, es el encargado de mantener el orden en la comunidad.
El Chamán, o Músico es el encargado de la curación y tiene un poder político e ideológico basado en sus creencias y poder mágico-religioso.
La enfermedad, permite el viaje del doble espíritu del hombre o Pumetho hacia la esfera divina, constituye el principio fundamental de iniciación chamánica. El Chamán cuenta su vocación chamánica: "Hamborere merekode" (Yo he estado enfermo).
Los términos para designar la enfermedad y la muerte tienen la misma raíz (bombo).
Es necesario haber estado enfermo para poder curar a otros; cuando se está enfermo el espíritu abandona el cuerpo y el único que se puede remontar a lo divino es quien ha estado enfermo porque conoce el camino para devolver el alma al cuerpo. La diferencia entre el enfermo y el Chamán, es que él puede desprenderse del cuerpo a voluntad y en el enfermo su separación es involuntaria. En el curso de la enfermedad ocurren las revelaciones por medio de sueños.
La enfermedad, permite el viaje del doble espíritu del hombre o Pumetho hacia la esfera divina, constituye el principio fundamental de iniciación chamánica. El Chamán cuenta su vocación chamánica: "Hamborere merekode" (Yo he estado enfermo).
Los términos para designar la enfermedad y la muerte tienen la misma raíz (bombo).
Es necesario haber estado enfermo para poder curar a otros; cuando se está enfermo el espíritu abandona el cuerpo y el único que se puede remontar a lo divino es quien ha estado enfermo porque conoce el camino para devolver el alma al cuerpo. La diferencia entre el enfermo y el Chamán, es que él puede desprenderse del cuerpo a voluntad y en el enfermo su separación es involuntaria. En el curso de la enfermedad ocurren las revelaciones por medio de sueños.
Todos los que
han estado enfermos se orientan hacia el chamanismo. La vida del poblado gira
alrededor del terapeuta tradicional y se reconoce que son los más adecuados
para resolver problemas graves de salud.
Los Yaruros
tienen chamanes (quienes le llaman músico) masculinos y femeninos, quienes se
encargan de curar las enfermedades cantando y bailando.
El Tôhé.
Es un canto o ceremonia que se hace por petición de uno o varios miembros de la comunidad que tienen un pariente enfermo o por iniciativa del chamán. La ceremonia se realiza en un lugar despejado orientado hacia el Este.
Es un canto o ceremonia que se hace por petición de uno o varios miembros de la comunidad que tienen un pariente enfermo o por iniciativa del chamán. La ceremonia se realiza en un lugar despejado orientado hacia el Este.
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